Echo Bone Broth Commercial Packing Photo Shoot

 Specific vision, tight deadlines, pulling off the near-impossible - three things I enjoy in any commercial job.
Echo dog broth approached us to create two images: a smiling, bright-eyed headshot that screams ‘vitality’ and a supporting image of a dog having just finished a drink, licking its nose, with liquid dripping off his chin like it ‘just can’t get enough.’ Sounds doable :P 

For a shoot like this, the dog breed is important as only some dogs consistently drip from their mouth - dogs that get their beard wet when they drink. My friends have a dog like this and you always leave their home with wet socks. 

Then reality hit. The art director wanted a Corgie with its great smile and pointy ears. The only problem is they tend to be clean drinkers. As the client calls the shots, we now had to come up with a plan. 

At the photo session we observed our pooch and, true to the breed, he wasn’t a dripper.

Ok, how are we going to get those drips? Try stopping him mid-drink by calling his name - nope. Pour broth in his mouth (which he loved) and hope it drips out - nope, it just looks like drool. 

Once accidental pee later, we still hadn’t got it perfect. Angus then came up with a plan to palm the broth onto the underside of his chin. Brilliant, we got the perfect drips. 

Now, stitch together the drip, tongue lick, and perfect stance into one photo and we got our final mouth-watering, thirst-quenching image. 

Stuart Little (@stuartlittlecorgi) had a blast, and after a few more pee breaks, we sent him home with a box full of broth to enjoy. 

If you want to give your dog a special treat or entice them to eat if they aren’t feeling well, pick up some Echo Love Bone Broth from your favourite shop.

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